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Thinking Spring? Tips to begin the organizing process.


Helpfull Tips to Begin the Organizing Process for Spring

1. Designate an empty bin and put it in your garage. I keep one in my garage year round. Start shopping your home and take note of things that you are no longer using, that are to small or are broken or maybe the item is just plain ugly. Place the items in the bin that you want to resell or donate. Pitch the items that are broken. When the bin gets full drop off at your local resale shop or donation center. This helps keep the excess to a minimum.

If it helps you to compartmentalize, work room by room. 2. Garage sale season is coming up. Looking to make a little extra money. Save the items in the bin for a garage sale or see if you can partner with your neighbor and drop in on their sale. I always offer to volunteer a few hours at the sale in trade for selling my items at their sale. 3. Let the fresh air in. Even if it is still a little chilly out. Open the windows for 20 minutes to help clear out the funk. I consider stale air to be clutter. Stale air and enclosed spaces can be a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and germs to generate. 4. It is a good time to sort through the kids clothes to figure out what they might need for the spring summer season, like a new swim suit, or new shorts. Have a bin ready for those items they have out grown. Take note of your closet as well. What items of yours have not come up for air within the last two years. A good rule of thumb is if you have not worn it within the last two years doante it or sell it.

Do you know of someone whom you could pass down some of your kids clothes to, the clothes that your kids have outgrown. 5. Clearing the dirt......lift those rugs. After several months of being enclosed in your home the dirt accumulates. Just like in the olden days take those rugs outside and beat them like you mean it. Shake all that dirt loose and sweep those floors.

Anything that accumulates and is not conducive to healthy living could be considered clutter. Whether it is dirt, stale air or material goods, bad habbits, or negative thinking. Some of these are not my areas of expertise so we will focus on organizing, and creating beautiful spaces.

Just a few steps taken daily, monthly, and seasonally will help reduce and eliminate clutter from accumulating within your home. Let's start with these few steps and note the progress made. I always feel a sense of simplicity when I have purged items and am bogged down with less stuff.

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