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Small Office Organizing

I recently had the privilege of working with a small business, helping them organize their paper work and implementing systems within their space to help enable more efficient function and flow.

A few tips to help with your home office or small business......................................................

If possible limit the space for office work only. Decorate and add a touch of home to it. Create a space that you want to work in.

Designate two areas within your space.

Zone 1=your computer area, this might be where you spend time creating documents, answering emails. The only tasks that should be completed here are computer related.

Zone 2=This is where non computer related activities take place like opening mail, reviewing documents, scanning documents, any other project that is specific to your line of work that does not require a computer.

Keep all food out of your office space. I have found that items such as dishes can be left for dead within these spaces, often times buried under paper work to be left and forgotten about.

Take a few minutes out of your day to go to your kitchen or break room and eat, it would do you some good to take a few minutes out of your day, and relocate.

Keep two baskets labeled within your office space.

Basket 1, In basket or New Bin

This should contain any mail that has not been looked at. Any documents that have not been read. Any items that have yet to be viewed by you.

Basket 2, Old Bin

These are items that need to be forward, scanned, or filed. This basket should contain items that require some action step. This should not become a permanent storage bin. Only a transition place for documents before they go to their final resting place. Maybe once you have read them they go directly to the shredder or recycling.

Small Business

Finally one last tip.

Take 10-20 minutes at the beginning of the day or the end of the day to make sure things are put away, filed, organized. Often people like to do it at the end of the day, that way when they arrive in the morning they are fresh and ready to go.

Home Office Space

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