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Do Something!

Some of the best advice I have every gotten is from my oh, so wise big brother but don't tell him I said that. It might just go to his head.

When I was struggling with something he spoke these words to me, DO SOMETHING! This motto can be applied to any situation you find yourself stuck in. Including your environment.

I have noticed that nothing changes in my life unless I make a conscious effort to Do something.

Weather it is changing my way of thinking, changing how I approach something or gaining a new perspective. I have to take action by doing something.

As a former couch dweller I have spent a lot of time wasted sitting in front of the TV because I was to afraid to do something. But to truly see change I have discovered that I must Do Something. Even if I fail I have to continue to Do Something!

My intention is not to make light of anyone's situation. I understand that some circumstances are extremely hard and may even seem impossible. Try doing one thing today that will help better your situation.

Maybe your environment feels overwhelming. There is just to much stuff. To help obtain a calm, peaceful environment try eliminating, simplify the items you are currently living with. If you are feeling stuck in your environment and want to make a change than DO SOMETHING!

Do what, you ask?

Start small

Take breaks

Take a load of old clothes to a resale shop

Spend 20 minutes a day/week organizing something, write it into your schedule.

Ask a friend to help you organize

Rearrange furniture

Downsize books, clothes, kids toys.

Put a permanent bin in your garage for resale items. Place unused or unwanted items in and when full take to the resale shop.

Call an Organizer

One thing alone may seem small but when you continue to add on to that one small thing with another and than another you start to see change.

Your environment affects how you think, process information, and how you feel.

I recently helped a woman organize her closet. A month later she said to me "I just love my closet."

She loves it because there is less, it is organized and she can readily find things. It makes her happy, peaceful, and is a space she now enjoys. She is not overwhelmed by it anymore.

Do Something!

Get organized/Creating Beautiful spaces

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